2 Pin kabel penginderaan air non-lokasi kebocoran

SPD-WL1100 2 Pin kabel penginderaan air non-lokasi memiliki sensitivitas deteksi tinggi, respons cepat dan andal. Ini cocok untuk deteksi alarm di berbagai tempat dengan risiko kebocoran air. Itu dapat dihubungkan ke sebagian besar pengontrol alarm kebocoran air.


1.SPD-WL1100 is based on the detection principle of water conductivity. As long as water appears anywhere along the line, it can be quickly detected. Working with SPEED water leakage detection controller, leakage alarm can be activated immediately once water immersion is detected.

2.The cable adopts a spiral structure, which can reduce the false alarm rate caused by environmental electromagnetic interference and also improves the strength and service life of the cable.