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Pengesan asap kenalan kering: Sentinel senyap untuk amaran awal api

Dalam sistem pencegahan dan kawalan kebakaran, Pengesan Asap memainkan peranan penting, and dry contact smoke detectors have become the first choice for many places due to their stability, reliability and strong compatibility. It is like a silent sentinel, always alert to fire hazards and escort the safety of life and property.

1. Definition and working principle of dry contact smoke detectors

Dry contact smoke detectors are a device that detects the occurrence of fire by detecting smoke particles in the air. Its core component is the smoke sensor. When smoke enters the detection cavity, it interferes with the optical path or ionization chamber in the sensor, thereby triggering an alarm signal.

Dry contactrefers to the switch signal output by the detector. It has only two states, “onandoff”, similar to a simple switch. This signal form is simple and has strong anti-interference ability, and can be compatible with various fire alarm controllers.

2. Functional characteristics of dry contact smoke detectors

Fire warning: Real-time monitoring of smoke concentration in the air, timely issuance of alarm signals at the beginning of the fire, and precious time for personnel evacuation and fire fighting.

Stable and reliable: The use of mature sensing technology and stable circuit design ensures that the detector can work stably in various environments.

Strong compatibility: Dry contact output signal can be seamlessly connected with various fire alarm controllers, which is convenient for system integration.

Pemasangan mudah: Simple structure, easy installation, suitable for various places.

Low maintenance cost: No complicated debugging and maintenance are required, and the service life is long.

3. Application scenarios of dry contact smoke detectors

Dry contact smoke detectors are widely used in residential, office buildings, pusat membeli -belah, hotels, schools, hospitals, warehouses and other places, providing reliable fire warning protection for various buildings.

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